Data & Digital Scholarship Services (DDSS/DiSC) provides in-person and virtual help. Contact us at, schedule an appointment, or view our lab hours.


  • Data discovery & acquisition
  • Text & numeric data
  • Data cleaning & management
  • Quantitative & qualitative analysis


  • Geographic information systems
  • Geospatial data
  • Mapping
  • Spatial analysis

Digital Humanities

  • Digital tools
  • Digital projects
  • Data visualization
  • Text mining & analysis

Research Data Management

  • Data management plans
  • Metadata creation
  • Long-term data preservation
  • Archive & share data in Mason’s Institutional Repositories (MARS)

Software & Technology

  • GIS, statistical, qualitative, etc.
  • Collaborative workroom
  • Scanners for digital projects
  • Lab with Windows and Mac workstations

Schedule an Appointment

Data & Digital Scholarship Services partners with students, faculty, and staff by providing research support to facilitate data-focused research and teaching across the university in all disciplines.

Effective June 2024, we’ve modified our name to Data & Digital Scholarship Services (DDSS) to better reflect what we do. Other than the name, nothing else has changed and we will continue to offer the same services.