All data below is restricted to use by George Mason University faculty, staff, and students. It cannot be downloaded and shared with individuals outside the University.
Click on one of the links to download the compressed file.
You will be prompted to login with your Mason username and password.
The data files on this page must be used with software such as Stata, SAS, SPSS, R, Excel, etc.
American Hospital Association Survey Data
Each compressed file includes documentation, SAS input statements, and data files in Access, comma delimited, and flat file format. All documentation is included with the compressed data files. For more information, see the AHA Annual Survey Database website.
National Study of the Changing Workforce (NSCW) Public Use Files
Data is restricted to use by George Mason University faculty, staff, and students. It cannot be downloaded and shared with individuals outside the University. For more information, see the NSCW website.
NSCW Public Use files guide (rtf)
2008 Public Use Comp files (zip)
2008 Public Use files (zip)
2002 Public Use Comp files (zip)
1997 Public Use Comp files (zip)
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