
Emailing your questions to will connect you to the person best able to help.

DDSS Staff

Alyssa Fahringer, Digital Scholarship Consultant
Fenwick Library, 2708
Humanities-based digital projects, digital humanities methodologies and software, Omeka

Debby Kermer, Data Services Research Consultant
Fenwick Library, 2704
Quantitative and qualitative research methodology, analysis, and software

Margaret Calkins, STEM Data Librarian
Fenwick Library, 2207
STEM data sources, software, and tools

Wendy Mann, Director, Digital Scholarship Center
Fenwick Library, 2703
Sources for data and statistics, digital research tools and software, research data management, sharing and archiving, data management plans

Jack Tieszen, Geospatial Resources Librarian
Fenwick 2713
GIS, geospatial data sources, ArcGIS, QGIS, maps and mapping, Google Earth

DDSS Affiliates

George Oberle, History Librarian

Jen Fehsenfeld, Team Lead, Arts and Humanities

Amy Sullivan, Preservation Librarian

Student Assistants