Acknowledgments Policy

Frequently, DDSS staff work closely with faculty and researchers on their works of digital scholarship. In cases where DDSS staff provide extensive help with such projects, it is appropriate for the faculty member or researcher to credit the DDSS staff member(s) and acknowledge the contributions they made to the work.

Extensive help can include, but is not limited to, the following scenarios: when DiSC staff works with the faculty member or researcher for a significant amount of time, such as having multiple research consultations; DDSS staff is involved in multiple steps of the project process; the project would not have been accomplished without the help of DDSS staff; and/or the DDSS staff provided assistance that helped the faculty member or researcher significantly in working on and/or completing their project.

We ask that you credit or acknowledge the DDSS staff member(s) who collaborated with you on your project in some way. Examples of appropriate credits or acknowledgements include: naming the DDSS staff member in a list of project contributors; citing the DDSS staff member’s name and our department in the works cited; and/or naming the DDSS staff member in a credits section of the work.

We will ask your permission to list your project on our projects page with your name and project title. We will include a short description of the project and the contributions of the DDSS staff.

See the following examples of digital scholarship projects that acknowledge all collaborators: